Welcome to the Maverics Home Page!

MAVERICS: Modeling and Analysis of Vital EmeRging Information and Complex Systems.

We are a research group at UC Riverside focused on analyzing public archives to model and better understand the online hacker ecosystem.

Current Projects

  1. SourceFinder Platform: An initiative to enable malware research by analyzing GitHub public repositories and identifying those containing malware source code. It is the largest reference database of malware source code containing 7.5K malware repositories.
  2. CnCHunter: A systematic tool for detecting live CnC servers by acting as a Man-In-The-Middle between IoT malware and the controlling servers.
  3. SOFIA Project: Our long term encompassing effort to find and profile malware source code in public archives at scale.

Contact Us

For questions and more information please contact our leading graduate researchers below.

Ben Treves at btrev003@ucr.edu

M.R. Masud at mmasu012@ucr.edu